WPRM: Could you please give your short personal introduction?
Khim.L.D: I am Khimlal Devkota, an Advocate of supremecourt of nepal practised for 15 years after that I joined in peoples liberation movement . I am working in Peoples War movement.Right now I am in negotiation secreteriat, Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) and I am a central committee member of United Revolutionary People’s Council.Right now member of the interim constitution draft committee.basically I lookafter constution and legal matters.
WPRM: Now you are in Europe, actually what is your main objective and intension to be here? Which goal do you want to achieve with this visit?
Khim.L.D: We in Europe are related with Peoples movement of Nepal, People’s War of Nepal. We want it spread all over the world and we would like to share our experience throughout the world that is our objective. Recently one organisation based in Hamburg invited me as a representative of CPN( Maoist), they wanted to know and share experience regarding future of Nepal in this referance I visited Brussels and now I am here in Germany.it best trips for us because we became succes to exchange our views and experiences to european people.
WPRM: What is your experience and views I mean how are you feeling after visiting different types of people and organisations in Europe?
Khim.L.D:I am feeling so much proud to say that I am really pleased meeting with friends in Eurpe.They are so much interested about People’s War and CPN (Maoist) and on going peace process of Nepal.they are very much interested about Interim Constitution and election of constituent assembly ,restructuring of the state.Let’s say it is my great pleasure and golden opportunity to say somethings to the friends.
WPRM: ….
Khim.L.D: In Nepal the background and the base of 19 days movement was 10 years of People’s war in behind.The main objective of the People’s movement was to establish republican Nepal.
WPRM: In your opinion what were the positive and negative aspects of 19 days People’s movement?
Khim.L.D: In 19 days People’s movement there were positive as well as negative aspects.
First of all I would like to say the positive aspects, most of the people participated in the movement most of the people raised their voice against the monarchy, against the feudalism, against unitary system and they were entirely in favour of republican, democracy, forward looking change and peace. These were the positive aspects not only these, they were asking the People Liberation Army to give them the weapons to fire the monarchy, palace and the feudalism. These were also the positive sides of the nineteen days movement.
Now let’s come to the negative sides, during this nineteen days movement leaders of seven parties alliance should have lead the movement, but it could not happen so.Only few leaders were present in the movement. The movement which could be driven to the republican just
due to the lack of leadership and best commander missed golden oppertunities to establish republican and wipe out monarchy for ever from Nepal. Now we have doubt that seven parties alliance had little bit hidden agreement with the palace.That was also the most negative aspect of the nineteen days movement.
WPRM: Right now how is the relation between seven parties alliance and the monarchy? How is it going on?
Khim.L.D: Right now seven parties alliance , not the all but the major parties within SPA are closely related with the palace, indirectly they are fulfilling the interest of the palace and also they are being the tools used by the palace. So now they are very much distrusted from the people and derecocgnised by the People’s movement.
WPRM: What do you think are the difficulties and obstacles for the democratic process in Nepal?
Khim.L.D. There are so many difficulties, they are as follow first centralism, second feudalism, third autocratic monarchy and fourth the weakness of seven parties alliance unwilling of forward looking change.In seven parties alliance ,we doubt they have little bit of agreement type of behaviour with the palace. These are the main obstacles for the democratic process in Nepal.
WPRM: How is the current living situation of different classes in Nepal and what are their views?
Khim.L.D: Living situation and level of thinking of people in Nepal is very different.There are haves and havesnot people. Some handfull of haves people are having pleasure and experiencing life as the standard of the European people but the majority of people are living in a hard and miserable condition. They are facing hand to mouth problem, they have no medicine, no educaion, no employment etc. That is the inpact of level of thinking of the people. Haves peple are guided by the feudal culture, they want to preserve statusquo some people want reinsteinment of regression. Most of the people are revolutionaries and majority of people think of forward looking change. It has very much gap between haves and haves not like wise regressive and revolutionary thinking.
WPRM: What are the agendas from the democratic, progressive, anti monarchy including Maoist forces?
Khim.L.D: Firstly I think the agendas not only of these forces but the agendas of the nation is to dismantel the uniteraly system, feudal and autocratic monarcy and instead of that establish republican federalism. Secondly in Nepal there are many supressed nationalities, genders inequality and cultural and linguistic inequality, so all these opressed class, opressed genders and opressed nationalitie sould be empower and restructure the state with right to self determination. These are the fundamental agendas that can democratise nation and empower the supress class, genders and other opressed groups. In concrete the agendas are against the monarchy, against the unitery feudal system and instead of that establish full democratic system, republican system and federal system.
WPRM: Which forces are against the democracy, revolution and also against the peace process?
Khim.L.D: There are internal and external forces. Within the country the palace and the army are against the democracy, against the revolution, against the change ,and against the state and people. Externally most of the imperialist forces are against the change, against Nepal and against Nepalese People. They are also very much against democracy, forward looking change and especially against the ongoing peace process.
WPRM: Can you tell in brief what are their role?
Khim.L.D: They are all the time creating hinderness to the peace process. Let’s say seven parties alliance and Maoist already agreed and signd 12 points agreement 8 points agreement and also 5 points agreement but they are all creating hinderness to execution , implemention and translate in practice. When Maoist and seven parties alliance signed the 8 points agreement the very next day imperialist forces, royal palace and royal army were preparing a knot of conspiracy against implementation of 8 points agreement. Not only this they also wanted to disturb the peace process by supplying arms even during the phase of peace process.
WPRM: In coming period of 1 year what do you think is going to happen in Nepal?
Khim.L.D: I think the peace process will go in the positive direction after that interim constitution will be proclaimed, interim legislature will be firmed, parliament will be dissolved, interim Government will declare the election of constituent assembly. Hopefully within one year new constitution will be draft by the constituent assembly and as well as peace process and consolidation of the democracy will be confirm.
WPRM: What are the alternative options, if it does not go in the positive direction as you say above?
Khim.L.D: If positive way will delay within 1 year most of the people will definitely come out in the street once again to protest and resist not only for 19 days but if necessary 29..39.or even 49 days, at that time People’s popular movement will be raised. This people’s power popular movement will compell the regressive forces, status quoist forces return back to the negotiation table and held election of constituent assembly and succeed the peace process and restructuring of the state.
WPRM: Do you think that the people are ready to raise movement again if the peace process goes in negative direction?
Khim.L.D. Yes definitely people of Nepal are peace lover, and very much in favour of forward loking change, peace and justice with democracy. If statusquoist forces doesn’t translate these in practice most of the people themselves come out in the street and call Maoist to lead the movement. I am verrymuch confirm and confident about it they will definitely come out in the street.
WPRM: Let us change the subject little bit, we came to hear that comrade Gaurav is re arrested. What does it mean to you?
Khim.L.D: It is as usual things done by the imperialist forces, status quoist forces and those forces who doesn’t like success of peace process in Nepal, who doesn’t like forward looking change and next thing is that it is also command from U.S. It is because now a days interferrance of U.S is not only in Nepal but also in India, and it is a verry pity position of India also in my opinion.
WPRM: WPRM in Europe launched different campaigns for the urgent release of Comrade Gaurav , Kiran and others being held in India, China etc. Did you hear about these campaigns in Nepal? If yes what are your views regarding these campaigns?
Khim.L.D: Yes definitely I heard WPRM has done very much good jobs and effective jobs to free Comrade Gaurav, comrade Kiran and other comrades being held in Indian jails, but still now they are in jail . I think WPRM and like WPRM other organisations, instutions and groups must launch another more effective campaigns which can free all our comrades.
WPRM: We have been hearing different mass organisations like youth, student, worker, women are organising their congress one by one these days. Please can you tell what are their intention behind and what are they preparing for?
Khim.L.D: First of all I would say that is their time table routine to held convention. They have to held the national conference, convention and congress, it is the regular duties of all mass organisation. Second thing is that they are very much angry with the regressive and statusquoist forces who are playing role to hinder peace process and not helding the election of constituent assembly. Third thing is that if the regressive forces are not ready to held the election of constituent assembly they have to reorganise popular movement that’s why they are preparing for that too.Also if objective reality demand another type of revolt or revolution they are preparing themselves to become ready to fulfill that.
WPRM: What do you wish people here in Europe should do for success of peace process, demcracy, revolution, abolis of monarchy and especially in favour of Nepal and victory of Nepalese people?
Khim.L.D: First of all success of the peace process in Nepal would be a great message to the imperialist forces of the world, that’s why success of peace process in Nepal is not only for the people of Nepal it would be symbol of victory for the progressive forces of the world. So it becomes the prime duty of people in Europe to play vital role to success the peace process. Second thing progressive people in Europe with ideas of change have to launch more effective campaigns to crush all the hurdles created by the imperialist forces to hamper the ongoing peace process in Nepal. Thirdly I would like to request the people in Europe to innetiate from their position all they can do their best to succeed the ongoing peace process.
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