Friday, October 23, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
भट्टराईको पार्टी परित्याग र प्रश्नहरु
भट्टराईको पार्टी परित्याग र प्रश्नहरु
आश्विन २१, २०७२- पार्टी विचारका आधारमा बन्छन्, विचारको बहस पार्टीमा हुन्छ। यो आम मान्यता हो। तर विचारको कुरा गर्नासाथ षडयन्त्रको सिद्धान्त हावी भएको हाम्रोजस्तो मुलुकमा विचारको कुरा उठाउनेहरू यात अव्यावहारिक या विदेशीको प्रभावमा परेको वा यस्तै केही भन्ने गरिन्छ। पञ्चायतकालमा ‘सीआईडी’ भनिदिएपछि टन्टै खलास हुन्थ्यो। यतिबेला पनि ‘पार्टी विरोधी’, ‘विदेशीको इसारामा गरिएको’ भनिदिएपछि आम मानिसहरूको ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्न पनि सकिने र आफू विचारको बहसको झन्झटमा पर्न र मिहेनत गर्न पनि नपर्ने सहज बाटो रोज्ने प्रवृत्ति हामीकहाँ हावी भएको छ। यसखाले प्रवृत्तिसँग सम्बन्धविच्छेद गर्ने हिम्मत गरेमात्रै भावी चुनौती सामना गर्ने योजना बन्ला, अन्यथा भन्न सकिन्न। को के हो भन्दै गर्दा आफू को हो भन्ने कुरा पनि ख्याल गर्न जरुरी छ। अरुलाई चोरऔंला देखाउँदै गर्दा बाँकी चार औंला आफैंतिर फर्केको पनि बिर्सनु हुँदैन।
प्रसंग एमाओवादी पार्टी परित्याग गरेका डा. बाबुराम भट्टराईको हो। उनको कदम, शैली र समय मिल्यो/मिलेन, त्यो अलग पाटो हो। उनको सबै कुराको समर्थन वा सबै कुराको विरोध गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने मान्यताको म एकदमै विरोधी हुँ। तथ्यका आधारमा समर्थन र विरोध गरौं, तर्क गरौं कुतर्कको सहारा नलिऊँ भन्नेमात्रै मेरो आग्रह हो। जेसुकै कारणले होस्, उनी यतिबेला चर्चाको शिखरमा छन्। संवाद समितिको सभापतिको जिम्मेवारी पुरा गरेर संविधान जारी गरेर अब ऐतिहासिक कार्यभार पुरा भयो भन्ने ठानी भद्र र संक्षिप्त पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरी पार्टी र संविधानसभाको सदस्यता त्याग गरेर उत्पीडित मधेसी र थारुहरूको जायज मागलाई सम्बोधन गर्ने उपायसहित सहजीकरणका लागि देश दौडाहामा निस्केका उनीमाथि यतिबेला हजार आरोपहरू बर्सिएका छन्। उनी सरहका मानिसहरूले कुर्सीका निम्ति कुनचाहिँं दौडाहा बाँकी राखे होलान्?
त्याग्ने भन्ने कुरा नेपाली राजनीतिमा नसिरुद्दिनको कथा सावित भएको अवस्थामा एकजना त्यागीको एउटा कुनामा सम्म पनि सकारात्मक मूल्यांकन गर्न नसक्ने प्रवृत्ति के राम्रो प्रवृत्ति हो? त्यसो हो भने मुलुक दोहन गर्ने जायज वा नाजायज प्रतिस्पर्धामा बिना कुनै अपवाद सबै लाग्नुपर्ने हो? वा उनको त्यो कदमले समकालीन नेताहरूलाई असह्य व्यंग भएको कारणले पचाउनसकेका छैनन् वा के हो? तर राज्य स्थानहदको आदेशकै शैलीमा अमूक ठाउँमा नजान आग्रह गर्छ, पार्टीहरू उनलाई सहभागी नगराउन फर्मान जारी गर्छ र कतिपय मानिसहरू उनलाई अमूक देशको प्रभावमा परेको भन्न र परम्परागत शैलीमै आक्षेप लगाउन पनि पछि पर्दैनन्।
छिमेकी मुलुक भारतले अन्यायपूर्ण तरिकाले नाकाबन्दी गर्छ, उनी भत्र्सना गर्छन्। अरु नेताहरू नाकाबन्दी खोलिदिन आग्रह गर्छन्, भत्र्सना गर्ने हिम्मत गर्दैनन्। तैपनि आफूलाई भारतको प्रभावमा नपरेको अरुलाई प्रभावमा परेका भन्न छुटाउँदैनन्। सबभन्दा उदेकलाग्दो कुरा त के हो भने उनले पार्टी परित्याग गरे, पार्टी फुटाएनन्। आफ्ना समर्थकहरू कसैलाई पनि आफूसँगै आउन आग्रहसम्म गरेनन्। तर उनले किन पार्टी परित्याग गरे होलान्? भनेर ठन्डा दिमागले सोच्ने कष्ट कमैले मात्रै गरे। पार्टी नफुटाएको सकारात्मक अर्थ लगाउन पनि कन्जुस्याइँ गरे। बरु उल्टै अझै पनि उनकै विरुद्धमा छापाहरू रंगाएर नेताहरू आत्मरति गर्नथाले, अब प्रश्न गर्ने बेला भयो कि नेताजी तपाईंको बाबुरामको बदख्वाइँ गर्ने बाहेक अरु कुनै एजेन्डा नै छैन कि तपाईंको ल्याकत नै त्यति हो? यदि उनको बदख्वाइँ नै राजनीति हो भने यो संविधानको कार्यान्वयन तपाईंको हातबाट सम्भव छैन। तपाईंको विकल्प देश र जनताले खोज्नेछन्।
इतिहासको निर्ममतापूर्वक मूल्यांकन गर्नैपर्छ। तर भविष्यको मार्गप्रशस्त नहुने इतिहासको खोतल्याइँले केही लछारपाटो लाग्दैन। संविधान जारी भैसकेपछिको मुलुकको अवस्था अब भिन्न भएको छ। राजनीतिक रूपमा एक युगको अन्त्य भएर नयाँ युगको आरम्भ भएको छ। समाज तीव्र रूपमा रूपान्तरित भएको छ र जसलाई पुँजीवादमा पाइला टेकेको भनिएको छ र अबको राजनीति विकासको राजनीति र जनताको जीवनस्तर उठाउने राजनीति भनिएको छ। त्यसका लागि कुन राजनीतिक दल र नेतामा के छ खाका, यतिबेला मानिसहरूले हेर्न चाहेका छन्। अब कति वर्ष जेल बसेको र कसले कसलाई कति चर्को स्वरमा गाली गर्न सक्यो भनेर पार्टीमा मूल्यांकन हुने अवधि पनि समाप्त भयो। जनवादी क्रान्तिकालमा त्यो जरुरी पनि थियो, अब समाजवादी क्रान्तिका लागि भावी योजनाको खाँचो छ। पुरानै आदत, चरित्र, बानी–व्यहोरा सहितको नेतृत्व र पुरानै ढर्राको पार्टी संगठन, त्यसको सञ्चालन तरिकालाई बपौती ठानेर बचाइराख्ने कर्म गरियो भने समयले पर्खिने छैन। पतन अवश्यंभावी छ। त्यसैले यतिबेला संविधान कार्यान्वयन गर्ने चुनौतीका बारेमा प्रत्येक नेता, कार्यकर्ता र पार्टीहरूमा स्पष्ट खाका चाहिएको छ। त्यो खाका वैज्ञानिक, व्यावहारिक र विश्वासिलो पनि हुनुपर्यो, कोरा कल्पना, भावना वा अरुको सत्तोसराप यतिबेलाको राजनीतिको चुरो कुरा हुँदै होइन।
नयाँ संविधानले जीवन पाओस्, दुर्घटना व्यहोर्न नपरोस्। कसैलाई आरोप–प्रत्यारोप हैन, सबै जिम्मेवार बनौं। नयाँ संविधान, नयाँ विचार, नयाँ शैली सहितको संगठन र नयाँ नेपाल निर्माणको अभियानमा जुटौं।
त्याग्ने भन्ने कुरा नेपाली राजनीतिमा नसिरुद्दिनको कथा सावित भएको अवस्थामा एकजना त्यागीको एउटा कुनामा सम्म पनि सकारात्मक मूल्यांकन गर्न नसक्ने प्रवृत्ति के राम्रो प्रवृत्ति हो? त्यसो हो भने मुलुक दोहन गर्ने जायज वा नाजायज प्रतिस्पर्धामा बिना कुनै अपवाद सबै लाग्नुपर्ने हो? वा उनको त्यो कदमले समकालीन नेताहरूलाई असह्य व्यंग भएको कारणले पचाउनसकेका छैनन् वा के हो? तर राज्य स्थानहदको आदेशकै शैलीमा अमूक ठाउँमा नजान आग्रह गर्छ, पार्टीहरू उनलाई सहभागी नगराउन फर्मान जारी गर्छ र कतिपय मानिसहरू उनलाई अमूक देशको प्रभावमा परेको भन्न र परम्परागत शैलीमै आक्षेप लगाउन पनि पछि पर्दैनन्।
छिमेकी मुलुक भारतले अन्यायपूर्ण तरिकाले नाकाबन्दी गर्छ, उनी भत्र्सना गर्छन्। अरु नेताहरू नाकाबन्दी खोलिदिन आग्रह गर्छन्, भत्र्सना गर्ने हिम्मत गर्दैनन्। तैपनि आफूलाई भारतको प्रभावमा नपरेको अरुलाई प्रभावमा परेका भन्न छुटाउँदैनन्। सबभन्दा उदेकलाग्दो कुरा त के हो भने उनले पार्टी परित्याग गरे, पार्टी फुटाएनन्। आफ्ना समर्थकहरू कसैलाई पनि आफूसँगै आउन आग्रहसम्म गरेनन्। तर उनले किन पार्टी परित्याग गरे होलान्? भनेर ठन्डा दिमागले सोच्ने कष्ट कमैले मात्रै गरे। पार्टी नफुटाएको सकारात्मक अर्थ लगाउन पनि कन्जुस्याइँ गरे। बरु उल्टै अझै पनि उनकै विरुद्धमा छापाहरू रंगाएर नेताहरू आत्मरति गर्नथाले, अब प्रश्न गर्ने बेला भयो कि नेताजी तपाईंको बाबुरामको बदख्वाइँ गर्ने बाहेक अरु कुनै एजेन्डा नै छैन कि तपाईंको ल्याकत नै त्यति हो? यदि उनको बदख्वाइँ नै राजनीति हो भने यो संविधानको कार्यान्वयन तपाईंको हातबाट सम्भव छैन। तपाईंको विकल्प देश र जनताले खोज्नेछन्।
इतिहासको निर्ममतापूर्वक मूल्यांकन गर्नैपर्छ। तर भविष्यको मार्गप्रशस्त नहुने इतिहासको खोतल्याइँले केही लछारपाटो लाग्दैन। संविधान जारी भैसकेपछिको मुलुकको अवस्था अब भिन्न भएको छ। राजनीतिक रूपमा एक युगको अन्त्य भएर नयाँ युगको आरम्भ भएको छ। समाज तीव्र रूपमा रूपान्तरित भएको छ र जसलाई पुँजीवादमा पाइला टेकेको भनिएको छ र अबको राजनीति विकासको राजनीति र जनताको जीवनस्तर उठाउने राजनीति भनिएको छ। त्यसका लागि कुन राजनीतिक दल र नेतामा के छ खाका, यतिबेला मानिसहरूले हेर्न चाहेका छन्। अब कति वर्ष जेल बसेको र कसले कसलाई कति चर्को स्वरमा गाली गर्न सक्यो भनेर पार्टीमा मूल्यांकन हुने अवधि पनि समाप्त भयो। जनवादी क्रान्तिकालमा त्यो जरुरी पनि थियो, अब समाजवादी क्रान्तिका लागि भावी योजनाको खाँचो छ। पुरानै आदत, चरित्र, बानी–व्यहोरा सहितको नेतृत्व र पुरानै ढर्राको पार्टी संगठन, त्यसको सञ्चालन तरिकालाई बपौती ठानेर बचाइराख्ने कर्म गरियो भने समयले पर्खिने छैन। पतन अवश्यंभावी छ। त्यसैले यतिबेला संविधान कार्यान्वयन गर्ने चुनौतीका बारेमा प्रत्येक नेता, कार्यकर्ता र पार्टीहरूमा स्पष्ट खाका चाहिएको छ। त्यो खाका वैज्ञानिक, व्यावहारिक र विश्वासिलो पनि हुनुपर्यो, कोरा कल्पना, भावना वा अरुको सत्तोसराप यतिबेलाको राजनीतिको चुरो कुरा हुँदै होइन।
नयाँ संविधानले जीवन पाओस्, दुर्घटना व्यहोर्न नपरोस्। कसैलाई आरोप–प्रत्यारोप हैन, सबै जिम्मेवार बनौं। नयाँ संविधान, नयाँ विचार, नयाँ शैली सहितको संगठन र नयाँ नेपाल निर्माणको अभियानमा जुटौं।
प्रकाशित: आश्विन २१, २०७२
Monday, October 5, 2015
Speech Delivered at the Closing Ceremony by Mr. Khimlal Devkota former Member of Parliament /Constituent Assembly, Legislature-Parliament/Constituent Assembly of Nepal Participating the "2015 Seminar for Parliament Members of Developing Countries September 9, 2015 to September 29,2015 at the Academy for International Business Officials, AIBO Beijing, People's Republic of China
Mr. President, distinguish guests,
Officials of AIBO, Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen
First of all I would like to thank the government of People’s
Republic of China for providing us with an opportunity to be part of this
important seminar. My gratitude, on behalf of participants, My gratitude is
also on behalf of the government of Nepal, Speaker/Secretary General of the Legislature
parliament in Nepal and masses of the people of Nepal.
Similarly I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to
the Embassy of the people’s Republic of China in Nepal, its economic and
commercial counselors office and all those officials engaged in the process for
remarkable efforts to make this seminar possible.
I also thank the Ministry of commerce and Academy for
international business officials, AIBO, Internationally reputed Training Center
for organizing this seminar.
This seminar on 2015
seminar for parliament members of the developing countries with themes of details
of insight and field trips of major cities, such as General review of china, Opening
up & economic development of China are highly relevant to all of us. Likewise
other themes covered by the seminar including Government structure and
administrative reform, public administration responsibilities and faith, public
administration environment and public administration, Civil service system , Public
administration monitoring system, Leadership and decision making of public
service management are also equally useful to us.
These themes are useful to us from the point of implementing
the new constitution and economic development. Through these topics we expected
to learn a lot from the Chinese experiences which we got.
It’s a great honor to meet delegate from different developing
countries and share their thoughts and experiences and also to build a lasting
network among the participants. So most of them will divides the seminar only
on two parts presentation and field trips but for me, it is additional two more,
Exchange of ideas, feelings and experiences among us and Effective networking
for future.
Now I would like to highlight on presentation and field trips
in brief.
Introduction of china morning session and after- noon
session on reforms and opening up presented
by Prof. XU Jian , who try to give us glimpse of the modern china on 10 September
Basic –Chinese, by Chinese language teacher on 11
sep, and afternoon we got presentation on
Strategic idea on One belt one
road in afternoon session.
Thinking method on
national development strategy and Choosing of Chinese National development
strategy on 14th
September, by Vice dean Beijing university, Prof. Ren jin. Chinese academy of governance
Law Department on Chinese Political
system and party government relationship presented on 15th September and Government structure and reforms
presented by Prof wen ping.
Chinese foreign affairs
presented by Su
Xiaohui ,China institute of international studies at morning session on 16th
September and After launch presentation made
By Chen xiaoning, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic
Co-operation [CAITEC], Ministry of commerce PRC on Chinese foreign Aid policy and Development plan. We got details in
Chinese foreign trade policy & how to trade with china.
Professor Zhuang Rui
University of International Business and
Economics presented on Chinese economy
Developments and problems on 17th September 2015. Presentation on Regional economic cooperation was postponed
for 28th and we completed on mentioned date by professor Zhuang Rui
UIBE on 28th September 2015. Professor gave a glimps of Globalization and Regionalization on her effective
presention as WTO and FTA.
On 18th September, The way Chinese think and behave, A glimps of culture presented by
Beijing language and cultural center for diplomatic mission –LCC.
Field trips:
Field visit part of the seminar was very exciting to see and
observe historical places and Chinese development model as well as living style
and working modalities of the Chinese people. The Great Wall visit was wonderful, that has
reflected us Chinese ancient strategy of security which has now preserved as
the world historical heritage of the human civilization and full of attraction
of tourist. Qian man Square and Forbidden city was full of excitement and joy.
The field trips of Chundu is special on Panda preserve & research base,
culture preserve wide and narrow ally,silk ally, Asian street tipically
different city than Bejing we considered.
Xi an visit: Meeting and
observation of The Railway brefing reflects the proverb “another world is
possible” is proven by china itself. shu yuan men cultural street, xi an
museum, the Muslim street in china and their festival celebration is quiet
unbelievable. The tang dynasty dance performance and dumpling dinner full of entertainment
and excitement and joy.
Back to Beijing and visit capital museum, summer palace many markets
and the trips considered some one for heavy shopping and some one for window shopping.
There for insight obtained from the presentation and discussions
and the field trips highly memorable and beneficial to us. Exchange of ideas,
feelings and experiences are invaluable and long-lasting network will be in
result. It’s a pride for us to participate in this seminar at AIBO and I am
sure it would be enlighten about Chinese progress and development. In my
understanding AIBO has produced team of goodwill ambassadors of china. As a
matter of take way to home is China has
creating different world by competing with highest form of capitalism lets
say imperialism. No mater of ideology
feed your people first and no matter about diplomacy and international politics
whether it is suit for the people and country is going to well establishing.
The principle of peoples first, is I considered in nutshells.
I also take this opportunity to express our sense of pride
that we Nepalese are very proud to be a neighbor of the People’s Republic of China
and always stand for the policy of one china.
The economic progress and development made by china are our
great interest and we hope we learn a lot from the Chinese experience and use
them for the progress of own country.
Nepal and china has a long historical relationship. Parliament
of Nepal and NPC of Peoples republic of china as well as parties to parties and
peoples to peoples also have a cordial relationship.
The management of the seminar and field trips and
hospitalities extended to us throughout our stay was very memorable. the young
team of Alice, Stesy , Devid and Austin has done exemplary hard work so lovely ways
really heart touching. We will never forget their effort and enthusiasm. Program
co-ordinator Mr Zhong Yi and AIBO deputy
director Boris accompany with us value added the trips.
We highly value the quality of the job and services from all
the team members with this seminar. We have no sufficient words to express out
exact emotional feelings for your care and love generosity extended to us for
which we are very much thankful.
Finally, I once again thank the AIBO for organizing this very
relevant seminar and for extending warm welcome and kind hospitality since our
arrival In Beijing.
With this my statement of comment, observation and
experiences I would like to end my speech. Thank you for your kind attention.
Thank you and sia sia .
On behalf of Nepali Deligation
Khimlal Devkota former Member of Parliament, Nepal
29th September 2015
Beijing, china
Speech Delivered at the Opening Ceremony by Mr. Khimlal Devkota former Member of Parliament /Constituent Assembly, Legislature-Parliament/Constituent Assembly of Nepal Participating the "2015 Seminar for Parliament Members of Developing Countries September 9, 2015 to September 29,2015 at the Academy for International Business Officials, AIBO Beijing, People's Republic of China
Director of Executive, Co-ordinator
of this Seminar
Officials from AIBO
My Colleagues from Nepal
Ladies and Gentlemen
of all, on behalf of the the Speaker and Secretary General of the Legislature-Parliament
Secretariat, Nepal, my colleagues, people of Nepal and on my own, would like to
thank the Government of the People's Republic of China for the financial supports
to this Seminar organized for us.I would like to extend my sincere thanks to
the Embassy of the People's Republic of China to Nepal, its Economic and
Commercial Counselor's Office, and all those officials engaged in the process
for their remarkable efforts to make possible to organize this Seminar in this
year, 2015. I thank very much to the Ministry
of Commerce and Academy for International Business Officials, AIBO,
internationally reputed Training Center for organizing this Seminar.
Seminar on "2015 Seminar for Parliament Members of Developing Countries
with the contents of “General Review of China”, “China’s Opening-up & Economic Development”,
“China’ s Government Structure and Administrative Reform”, “Public Administration
Responsibilities and Faith”, “Public Administration Environment and Public
Administration”, “China’ s Civil Service System”, “Chinese Public
Administration Monitoring System”, “Leadership and Decision-making of Public Service
Management” is
more relevant for us since we are on the process of writing new Constitution
and reforming our legal system. The topics of the presentation included in the
Seminar content sound more informative for learning many things from China.
will be great opprutunity to meet deligets from different developing countries
and sharing thoughts and experiences and building network among the
the knowledge and wisdom obtained from the contents of the Seminar and field
trip would be highly beneficial. Participating to this Seminar at AIBO is also our
matter of proud and it would enlighten us in various fields of China's progress
and development. Me and my friends we all are very much keen to learn and
observe many areas of development during this Program. We would be more
participative and cooperative for learning from the presentation and field
visits as much as possible.
also take this opportunity to share our feeling that we Nepalese are very much
proud to be a neighborof the People's Republic of China and always stand for
one China Policy. The economic progress and development made by China is our
great interest of learning and it is always beneficial to Nepal. Nepal and
China has a long historical relationship. The Legislature-Parliament of Nepal
and the National People's Congressof the Republic of China have also cordial
relationship. Me and my friends also engage while delegation of the National
People's Congress takes place in the Parliament of Nepal. In this occasion, I
wouldlike to recall the visit ofHer Excellency Ms.ChenZhili, Vice-Chair of the National People's Congress in
seminar would also instrumental for developing and strengthening institutional relationship
between the AIBO at the level of Government of China and theLegislature-Parliament
Secretariat, Government of Nepal in the days to come.
I thank once again the AIBO for organizing this more relevant Seminar and extending
high degreeof care and love since our arrival here in Beijing. I highly regard
to the task of the airport pick-up at midnight by Ms. Ariel and her friend Nora
which was outstanding. The accommodation in this famous hot spring area, foods,
and all the facilities extended to us are very much sufficient and wonderful. The
management of this Opening Ceremony reflects high quality of attention paid by
the AIBO. All these things sound that this Seminar would be highly successful to
meet its end goal and we participants from Nepal would be highly benefited.
Live Nepal-China Relationship
September, 2015
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