What next?
Role of Constituent Assembly
CA has made its historical duty given by the people through the election of the constituent assembly that is execution of republic. According to the declaration amendment of the constitution had also taken place. In Adition to republican CA have so many challenges and oppurtuninities duties.
Constituent Assembly is a supreme body of the state. It is a product of direct democracy, direct elected by the people. People's sovereignty shall be used by the member of the Constituent Assembly. The Constituent Assembly is not only a general elected body; it is an important body of peace process. Peace process is not only for new constitution. New constitution should be address to the problems of the neplese society. Problems of the neplese society are classwise, regionwise, genderwise, and nationality. In this concerned socio economic transformation is another major agenda under this topics scientific land reform programme.
Expectation of the peoples is very high we should have fulfilled them. In this concerned from all quarters has been watches very interestingly and cociousesly to CA. CA can fulfilled the expectation of the people? Is it able to address the problems of the neplese society? Is it able to launch scientific land reform programme. Is it able for socio economic transformation by designing federal structure of the state? Is it able to fulfil the demand of the people's war and April movement? These are the vital questions of the neplese peoples. CA should have to be given positive answer; this is first and formost role of it.
New Nepal is main objective should be achieved by the CA. Consolidation of Republican is another role of the CA. Neplese society is very much corrupted by the culture of feudal monarchy . This is high time for correction or overwhealing of this culture by honouring general people's aspiration. Dismentaling of the feudal culture and creating new peoples culture is one of the agenda of the new Nepal CA should have lead to it.
Socio economic transformation is another important agenda for this purpose CA should play vital role on behalf of legislative body, for this purpose revolutionary land reform programme is urgently needed to implement it.
Federal structure of the state is popular agenda of the people's war. Because of federalism slogan people's war as well as April movement has been getting popular and big posture in mind and heart of the people. So scientific and pragmatic model of federal structure is need of time CA should have to be proposed.
Another hatric topic is political system. Political parties are divided in this issue. Some of them are is favoured to priministerial system and others are presidential favoured. Nepal has a lot of experience about parliamentry system which is almost faliaure. So we have to change from this faliure system then we have to adopt presidential system. For the cause of smooth handling of transition it is needed to have an executive president. Take in account of people's confidence as well as smooth running the country is only a right way of addressing of the peoples expactation.
Every political party should have keep in mind that this progress and historical change is because of people's war and struggle against feudal and reactionary culture and habits. Now there is no more room for reviving of it only the change and transformation is the right way. In this line CA must drive itself. If CA able to do it people will praised it if not right to revolt is steel reserved for the general public. Whatever future is bright and change is next historical achivement is another step for the people.
In the case of new constitution making process national interest should have to be protected and at the same time it should be save from external interference . Several foreigners are interested in this time they will tried to sale their model. Some of the money makers will plan to it by selling new constitution. Some of the experts may try to move this movement in their interest. So whatever they are we should have keep in mind national interest first as well as peoples interest. Without compromise nation and peoples interest we should have welcome all of them. We should have used their experiences and knowledge. New constitution should have take in account quit reflection of feeling of the people and experience of the experienced people and expert's opinion of the experts.
Historical achievement has been made it is not a joke neither it is achieved without painless efforts. Democratic republic is by product of hard and contineous effort of the neplese people. CA should have able to proper address to them. CA should have take in account of April movement people's war and all type of movement which are quit related with republican new Nepal and prosporous Nepal. Lastly Nationality and Republican is main issues of neplese politics. In the past nationality and democracy was not driven simalteneously, some times left democracy and some times left nationality they have no proper balance . Right now it is a high time to make it proper balance. S0 CA should have develop it by proper balance way. Within this broader line new constitution will be Ideal document which shall be owned by all peoples from class race gender and region. Then New Nepal will be made. Lets think over it nationality and democracy means Republican during the whole process of new constitution making.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
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