दलहरू बैठकै बस्दैनन् । बसिहाले पनि जनअपेक्षाका विषयमा एजेन्डा बनाएर छलफल गराउन रुचि राख्दैनन् । तब दलका बैठकहरू केवल मनको तितो पोख्ने थलो बनेका छन् । नेताहरू एकअर्काका पक्ष विपक्षमा ध्रुवीकृत गर्नमा तल्लीन हुन्छन् । https://www.onlinekhabar.com/2023/07/1341176
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
दलका कर्मकाण्डी बैठक : सिद्धान्त र आदर्श भुलेर तितो पोख्ने थलो
दलहरू बैठकै बस्दैनन् । बसिहाले पनि जनअपेक्षाका विषयमा एजेन्डा बनाएर छलफल गराउन रुचि राख्दैनन् । तब दलका बैठकहरू केवल मनको तितो पोख्ने थलो बनेका छन् । नेताहरू एकअर्काका पक्ष विपक्षमा ध्रुवीकृत गर्नमा तल्लीन हुन्छन् । https://www.onlinekhabar.com/2023/07/1341176
Sunday, July 23, 2023
भ्रष्टाचारविरुद्धका कानुन परिमार्जन
Saturday, July 22, 2023
Transitional Justice
The budget has been passed by the House of Representatives. Now, when the existing bill should be passed and the work should be carried forward, the House of Representatives is being blocked by one after another. When the case of fake Bhutanese refugees came up, the House was blocked, and Lalita Niwas was again disturbed. Meanwhile, the House was blocked even on the day of passing the ordinance brought to deal with the metering business. It is clear that those blocking the House are against these steps taken by the government and are in favor of fake Bhutan, the Lalita Niwas scandal, and meter trading. In this context, there is a danger that the Bill on Transitional Justice will be strengthened. It is also a request that this matter should not be dismissed under any pretext.
Nepal is a country that has gone
through an armed conflict. The twelve-point agreement concluded between the
then seven parties and the Maoists on how to deal with the events that happened
during the Maoist People's War was to 'search for the truth and create an
atmosphere of reconciliation in the society'. To embody this
recognition, the government has now submitted a bill to the Parliament to amend
the Investigation Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act 2071. Parliament is
proceeding with its work on the bill. This article has been prepared to discuss
this pending bill.
Because the current
laws could not work immediately during the conflict, it is not possible to
inform the concerned families about the events that happened during that time,
and because no one is held responsible for the events that happened during the
conflict because impunity is allowed, it is also impossible to provide
compensation for those who suffered during the conflict. Since the state has to
manage to prevent that kind of conflict from happening again, necessary legal
arrangements have been made with the main purpose of investigating the truth of
the events that happened during the conflict in the name of transitional
justice. This type of law basically has four pillars. The first is to seek the
truth, the second is to compensate the victims, the third is to ensure justice
and the fourth is to ensure that it does not happen again.
Based on this concept of
transitional justice, an attempt was made to establish a commission through an
executive order during the peace agreement in Nepal. Unfortunately, the court
ordered that Parliament should only legislate. The government's first attempt
broke right here. The first government formed after the election of the
Constituent Assembly tried to start work by issuing an ordinance. Another
misfortune occurred, and the government changed. The new government did not submit
the ordinance to the parliament. The second attempt also failed. As a third
attempt, after the court terminated the term of the Constituent Assembly when
handing over the power to the then Chief Justice, the then Prime Minister made
a condition that, "he will leave power only after issuing the Transitional
Justice Ordinance." Thus, in the third attempt, the law was finally made.
While the commissions were
working, another misfortune occurred. The court annulled some important
provisions of the ordinance which had been approved by the parliament.
According to the order of the court, the transitional justice mechanism is no
longer able to reconcile any case. So much so that cases like robbery, arson, and displacement had to be prosecuted. A petition was filed on behalf of the
government to review this order of the court. The court held it. At the same time,
due to the efforts of some transitional justice players, the petition was also
dismissed. The fourth attempt also failed. As the fifth attempt, the bill was
submitted to the parliament, which was repeatedly defeated by dissolution. At
the last moment of its passage, it was also destroyed. Currently, this bill is
under consideration in the parliament as the sixth attempt.
This is the bill, which has been
discussed many times in all seven provinces. It has been continuously discussed
for the past seventeen years. All the natives and foreigners are involved in
the discussion. But still, the comment that "the discussion has not
reached" is there. The international community also gave written
comments on this bill. In which the decision of the special court cannot be
assumed to be final, the 'right of appeal' must be kept, and 'it must be
clarified that the matter is classified between the violation of human rights and
violation of serious human rights', the provision of appeal has been addressed.
This bill is under consideration in the context of trying to be clear about the
classification of murder and gruesome murder and the relevant parties are
clarifying it.
There is only one issue that is
said to be disputed or unresolved. That too murder and brutal murder. Even
though the subject is only this, there is a need to amend the bill. Some of the
amendments have been registered due to a lack of understanding of transitional
justice. Some have been deliberately registered to emphasize the issue. Some
are concerned that the case has not been resolved, and arguments have been made
to help resolve it. Some are worried about whether this case will be solved and
have registered as an attempt to force it. The Parliament will not get bogged
down in the forced amendment but will retreat from it. It is necessary to
adopt a strategy that focuses on the purpose of passing the bill by accepting
the settlement amendment.
After all, it is necessary to
think about why the bill that is close to resolution is repeated again and again.
Peace and war are opposites of each other. Those who want peace cannot enjoy
war. One who delights in war cannot live in peace. Therefore, supporters and
opponents of peace remain active in society. It is not enough for those who
want peace to just preach peace. "To identify peace-breakers and
war-mongers and before the people who have used to says that he should be able
to sing. War broke out in almost 40 countries of the world. Peace was
established through peace accords. None of them sang the song of Ekchhatra
Shanti. Even after the peace process, those who have made a profit from the
war are left behind. "They try to force the process by entering in the
name of peace and justice," Nobel laureate President Santosh repeatedly
repeats. He emphasizes that if you who want peace do not sing the song of peace
with force, you will understand the song of war in that emptiness. War-hungry
people don't often talk about war, they talk about justice. If you choose
between peace and justice, you should choose peace. I am convinced that only
peace brings justice. He did not hesitate to say that this is my suggestion to
the Nepali peace process and the Nepali delegation.
The originality of Nepal lies in
the success of the Nepali peace process. Mainstream political parties are not
divided on the issue of peace and constitution. Even the international
community is in one voice with some exceptions. Despite this, some
unwittingly speak of justice and some deliberately set out to subvert this
process. So this process is prolonged.
At the moment, people are
commenting on murder and brutal murder. The enemies of peace are trying to play
with the hope that the rest can be played from this point. While in Colombia,
which was awarded the Nobel Prize, a law was made to pardon the murders
committed by the warring parties as political crimes. The case investigated by
the International Criminal Court is classified as an international crime. 60
years of imprisonment in ordinary criminal cases, because of transitional
cases, kept six to eight years in prison. He arranged to determine that based on dialogue and dialogue with the victim. The national and international
community supported the classification of other collective crimes, which are
only addressed by transitional justice, while the rest are 'forget and
forgive'. No one raised the issue of international standards there. The peace
agreement signed by the government and the rebels was rejected by the
referendum. But the supportive interpretation of the Constitutional Court there
suggested that it be passed by the Parliament. He gave a message that the court
is also responsible and committed to peace. Like here, the Parliament has never
done the work of preaching by repealing the laws made by using the legislative
powers. Those who don't want peace are in a campaign to intensify this matter
by putting it as a pillow. In this case, sometimes the international community
is also confused. Regardless, the government is trying to formulate laws that
address the court order, the concerns of the international community, and the
voice of the victims.
Why is this happening? The
question is serious. The foundation for declaring a federal democratic republic
inclusive and secular country goes to the People's War and the People's Movement
that was completed on that foundation. Some people did not like the new
constitution which institutionalized the important achievements it had
achieved. Those same people repeatedly dare to attack the constitution,
parliament, and the achievements of the movement. To fulfill their
ambition, they intend to criminalize the foundation of this achievement. These ulterior
motives sometimes manifest themselves in
the government, in the parliament, sometimes in the courts, and
sometimes in various areas of law-making. Therefore, the desire for peace can
only be fulfilled if the guardians of peace are not deceived by someone or
become a victim of someone's stupidity. It is important to understand
wholeheartedly that this is the only way to protect the achievements of the
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
संसद बैठक जस्तो देखियो, त्यस्तै लेखियो
अवरोधै अवरोधका बीच संसद बैठक चालु छ । संविधान जारी भएपछिको दोस्रो निर्वाचन पश्चात् आहृवान भएको संसदको अधिवेशनमध्येको यो दोस्रो अधिवेशन हो । प्रतिनिधिसभाका सभामुखको हिसाबले यो पहिलो अनुभव हो । पुष्पकमल दाहाल प्रचण्ड तेस्रो पटक प्रधानमन्त्री भएका कारणले यो अधिवेशन पहिलो नहोला तर उनले अनुभव भने नौलो सम्हालिरहेका छन् । यो अधिवेशनमा नयाँ अनुहारकै उपस्थिति बलियो छ ।
राष्ट्रिय पार्टीमा आधाभन्दा बढी दल नयाँ छन् । दल नयाँ, सदस्य नयाँ, सभामुख नयाँ, गठबन्धन नयाँ, प्रतिपक्ष नयाँ त्यसैले सदनका बिजनेस पनि नयाँ छन् । संसदका बैठक संचालन प्रक्रिया पनि नयाँ छन् । त्यसैले परिणामहरू पनि झन् नयाँ छन् । बाहिरबाट हेर्ने जति सबैका लागि संसद बैठक अनौठो लागिरहेको छ ।
संसदको अनुभव गरिसकेकाहरूका दृष्टिमा या त आफूले गरेको अभ्यास गलत थियो, या त यो अभ्यास गलत भन्ने अवस्था पनि छ । यही पृष्ठभूमिमा संसद अधिवेशनको संक्षिप्त समीक्षा गर्ने प्रयत्न गरिएको छ ।
Sunday, July 9, 2023
सङ्क्रमणकालीन न्याय
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Featured Post
Why presidential system?
We are in historical moment. After a six decade long struggle Nepal became able to have an election of Constituent Assembly. Issue of Consti...
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